I have just returned from 11 days in Argeliers over the French National Holidays
I arrived at Carcassonne from East Midlands and collected my hire car. An hour later I arrived at Argeliers and bought my supplies from the new Intermarche on the D% which skirts the village to the south. There are lots of house martins who nest in the village so I was used to tweeting but one seemed very close. I looked at the grill about my pellet stove and was surprised to see a little face behind it. So I removed the grill and left the frightened bird. In the morning I found it in the kitchen and managed to get to leave the house. One of the reasons for my visit was to find some walks for my rambling friends who are coming out with me in September. The first walk was from Argeliers over the Pech to Bize Minervois, an attractive village on the river Cesse and then to Cabazec and back across the vineyards about 8 miles in total. Another walk I got from a book which was from Peyriac de Mer which circles a couple of lagoons near the village. Nearby Bages is also a pictureque village, In the meantime I went to Narbonne and got kitted out for rambling at the local Decathlon store. For the Fete National most of the activities take place the day before with games and food for the children followed with a band marching through the village accompanied by locals carrying lanterns. On the 14th a 'Vide Grenier' takes place in Argeliers all the centre of the village filled with stalls in the French version of a car boot sale. The following day I went for a 6 mile walk from Lagrasse which turned out to be 20 miles. The medieval town and abbey were very attractive but I need to be more careful following the walk directions.